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Membership Options

Club Membership Options

The Club has approximately 7,800 Principal Members with a total membership strength of approximately 18,000 (inclusive of registered spouses and children). All Members have to abide by the Rules, Bye-Laws and Policies of the Club.​

  • Term Membership :
    • Individuals may apply directly to the Club for a Term Membership. This Membership is on a yearly basis at an Entrance Fee of $24,000 (prevailing rate subject to GST) per year. It may be renewed yearly subject to the payment of the said Entrance Fee as well as to the Committee’s approval.

    • A $300 refundable deposit is required to be maintained with the Club.

    • Term Members need not pay monthly subscriptions.

    • A Term Member shall not be entitled to vote or hold office or be co-opted to serve on any Committee or Sub-Committee but otherwise shall enjoy all the other privileges of an Ordinary Member. He may enrol his spouse and children under the age of 21 to use the Club’s facilities.

    • Term Membership is non-transferable.

    • A Term Member, upon ceasing to be a member for any reasons during the term of his membership, shall be entitled to a proportionate refund of the Entrance Fee paid (based on a full calendar month).

  • Ordinary (Transferable) Membership** :
    • This membership is purchased by and registered under an individual's name.

    • Local Membership: One who is or has ever been a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident.

    • Foreign Membership: One who is not or has never been a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident.

    • Local or Foreign Ordinary (Transferable) Membership shall be transferred to a Local Person - Classified as a Local Membership

    • Foreign Ordinary (Transferable) Membership shall be transferred to a Non-Local Person - Classified as a Foreign Membership

  • Corporate (Transferable) Membership** :
    • This membership is purchased by and registered under a Corporation's name. Local Membership: A Singapore-Incorporated Corporation with more than half of its issued share capital being beneficially owned by and more than half of its voting power residing directly or indirectly in citizens or permanent residents of Singapore. Foreign Membership: A Corporation with more than half of its issued share capital being beneficially owned by and more than half of its voting power residing directly or indirectly in non-citizens or non-permanent residents of Singapore.

    • Local or Foreign Corporate (Transferable) Membership shall be transferred to a Local Corporation - Classified as Local Membership

    • Foreign Corporate (Transferable) Membership shall be transferred to a Non-Local Corporation - Classified as Foreign Membership

    • Each Corporate Member shall be entitled to nominate one person, belonging to their organization to be a Corporate Nominee of its Corporate Membership. This nominee shall enjoy the full privileges as a member. Application for Nomination of a Proposed Corporate Nominee is subject to the payment of Entrance Fee and Deposit as well as to the Committee's approval.

Membership Privileges Utilisation of Facilities Ordinary Members, Term Members, Corporate Nominees as well as their spouses and/or children registered under their Memberships shall be entitled to use all the Club’s facilities at both the Island and Bukit locations as well as the facilities of its reciprocal clubs. This is subject to the Club’s Rules, Bye-Laws and Policies. Voting Rights Only Ordinary Members and Corporate Nominees may vote at the General Meetings of the Club or stand for election to the General Committee of the Club. Registration of Family Members Members may register their Spouses and unmarried Children below 21 years old under their memberships to use the Club's facilities only. Such registration will require the completion of an Application Form for Enrolment of Family Members with a copy of the following: marriage/birth certificate, identity card/passport and one (1) coloured passport-size photo. Guests Members or his/her spouse may introduce any person as a guest to use the Club’s facilities subject to the Club’s Rules, Bye-Laws and Policies.